UiPath Robot Error - Cannot Read Property xxx Of Null

In one of our robot machines, the below screenshot error constantly appears on the desktop. it says “Cannot read property ‘xxx’ of null” in the error message. “xxx” part changes with every error. I cannot access the information on which process this error is related to. When I open the details, there are meaningless technical details.

How can I fix this error? Has anyone seen this error before?



Hi @erkanceylan

Could you share the technical details from the More details tab?

Also, could you provide us with the full description of your environment (Studio/Robot version, etc).

You can find the list of relevant information here:

This one seems to be difficult to reproduce. We would appreciate more context if anyone else has the same issue.

I’m getting the same with the UiPath Assistant. I’m running 20.4.1.

This error usually appears when you try to stop a process that is not running anymore or whenever you try to do an action on a process that doesn’t exist anymore.

A common scenario is:

  • You have a process running
  • You press the stop process button
  • The confirmation prompt appears. You don’t press anything
  • The process finishes
  • You press “Yes” on the confirmation pop-up
  • The error appears

Is this the scenario you’ve seen? If not, what is it? It would help us a lot to solve this.


I’ve not run anything for a few days. I’ve tried un-installing/re-installing Studio, rebooting, restarting the Robot service, removing the processes from Orchestrator and adding them again but I continue to get the error.

@erkanceylan @dean.murphy have you guys managed to resolve the issue as I am having the same?

I was originally advised to complete the following steps:

  1. Close the assistant
  2. Go to %appdata%\uipath
  3. BACKUP the agent-settings.json file
  4. Delete it
  5. Start the assistant again

This WILL delete all your assistant options like hotkeys, position, etc (not the connection to Orchestrator), so please don’t skip step 3 if you need that information.

That didn’t work for me so in the end I uninstalled UiPath Studio from my laptop and deleted all references to UiPath in Program Files and AppData, rebooted then did a clean install of Studio. My UiPath Assistant now works correctly.

Same issue

Cannot read property ‘7983f7f0-8ac3-470b-820a-0de449b86311’ of null

I get this whenever I load Assistant, but also whenever I switch to the Keyboard Shortcuts tab of the settings so I’m assuming it’s related to that.

Noticed event log entry corresponding with assistant launch, Source DistributedCOM:

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user ** SID (S-1-5-21-3761202270-3012885383-1560873037-1622) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

What is your version of Studio/Assistant? Is this issue maybe fixed in the freshly released 20.8 version?

We had this error after upgrading to newest agent version.
We analysed and found the problem is in process-info.json
under C:\users<username>\appdata\roaming\uipath
This file was complete empty.
Correctly it only contains two braces:
After adding them to this file, everything was working again. (Just compare with other agent accounts)


@xymanuel - Awesome! I have two unattended robots doing the same thing and has been bugging me for months. That did the trick. Let’s hope it sticks.


Actually that fixed it for me. Thanks.

Thanks for your answer, i’ve just tried this. I will check servers and if there is no same error then i mark your answer as solution :slight_smile:

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