UiPath not able to save outlook attachments

Hi All,

I also have similar problem. When I read mails using IMAP from Gmail some mails are not identified (Not able to find the problem) and for some mails the attachments are not identified and when I checked the raw message for those E-mails a property called “Attachment ID” is missing. Does anyone have solution for this problem?

Strange but it started working for me after I changed the reading pane of outlook from ‘Right’ to ’ Off’


I am also facing the same issue of attachments not getting saved and unable to read the body as well of the email. I have done all configuration right just the attachments and email body doesnt work
I think this is an issue with UI path as most of the people here are complaining the same

Please solve this.

Since Nov 2017 and no solution? I tried all of the above solutions with no effect. I even wrote VB.Net and C# code in an attempt to circumvent UI Path but the issue persisted.

The only solution I found, save the attachment to disk, right click the filename in Windows Explorer and select Properties. Check the Unblock box and hit OK. Reattach the file a email and now UI Path and VB.Net/C# can process the file.

Hi @Jeffrey_J_De_Hart

Is this still an issue on the latest Mail activity package version?

Could you share some screenshots of your workflow and the activity properties (minus the sensitive information)?

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It’s a really basic activity but here you go.

As I stated, if I right click the file and check the Unblock checkbox, then the Get Outlook Activity saves the attachment…

Sorry, I do NOT control my environment so I cannot upgrade to any of the packages previously recommended. like v1.13 or Office365 activities. It’s a closed environment and I WILL NOT be getting upgraded packages anytime soon.

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Hey @Jeffrey_J_De_Hart

In that case, it might be best to contact our technical support for direct assistance (as it looks like the issue concerns an Enterprise scenario):

Just got into the same problem as stated in 2018. Some mails cannot save attachements using IMAP.

A bit disappointing, but workaround is Python script.