Hi everyone,
Passed all the check and configuration however during Insights installation I got this error message. Does anyone know how to look further to troubleshoot?
Hi everyone,
Passed all the check and configuration however during Insights installation I got this error message. Does anyone know how to look further to troubleshoot?
Welcome to forums
Are you installing this with the Platform installer?
May I know which version of orchestrator you have and which version of Insights are you installing
Also check below post for your reference
Hope this may help you
Thanks for reply.
Yes I installed Orchestrator using Platform installer. Actually it was the 2020.10 Platform installer and I upgraded to 2021.04 using UIPathOrchestrator installer to be same version as Insights.
Can you please check the event log on the orchestrator server. This error is typically related to a configuration issue on the Orchestrator server. If the event log does not show anything meaningful I would create a support ticket as it could be a number of things (IIS auth, identity issue, etc).
Could you suggest where should I check the log on Orchestrator server?
In fact, during Insights installation wizard, all the connection to Orchestrator were passed, even I can get the token from Orchestrator and pass this step during installation… Just wonder if the error is because of I installed Orchestrator from Platform Installer and previous version upgrade that causing the issue.
Hi @HuyDoan
Did you were the one who configure the SSL Certificate for the Orchestrator installation?
I generated Self-signed Certificate for Orchestrator Installation from IIS. Orchestrator is up and running.
Finally get it fixed/ reason due to install Orchestrator on my own laptop running windows 10. Setup a new VM running windows 2019 and everything worked.
Thanks all for the support
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