UiPath Insights is not loading properly

I have received a On-Prem Enterprise Trial license with Insights enabled. After completing the installation when I try to load the Insights from Default Tenant, I am getting below error. It’s automatically getting re-directed to tenant home page after that. Can someone help me to trouble shoot this issue? How can I check what went wrong?

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Hello @JithinKP,

Below are a few troubleshooting steps you can follow:

  1. Check the event logs on the Orchestrator & Insights Servers, in most cases this can give you some clue of whats wrong
  2. If you are using Self Signed SSL certificates. You need to import the Orchestrator’s SSL Certificate into Insight Servers in both the Trusted Root and Personal certificate store & Import Insight’s SSL Certificate into Orchestrator Servers Trusted Root in both the Trusted Root and Personal certificate store
  3. Ensure that the Orchestrator License is loaded at the Host Level
  4. Follow Troubleshooting Guide here

Hope that helps. Kudos :slight_smile:



Completely missed the below part. Its working now, Thank you Nithin…!!

Import Insight’s SSL Certificate into [Orchestrator] Servers Trusted Root in both the Trusted Root and Personal certificate store


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