I have received a On-Prem Enterprise Trial license with Insights enabled. After completing the installation when I try to load the Insights from Default Tenant, I am getting below error. It’s automatically getting re-directed to tenant home page after that. Can someone help me to trouble shoot this issue? How can I check what went wrong?
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Hello @JithinKP,
Below are a few troubleshooting steps you can follow:
- Check the event logs on the Orchestrator & Insights Servers, in most cases this can give you some clue of whats wrong
- If you are using Self Signed SSL certificates. You need to import the Orchestrator’s SSL Certificate into Insight Servers in both the Trusted Root and Personal certificate store & Import Insight’s SSL Certificate into Orchestrator Servers Trusted Root in both the Trusted Root and Personal certificate store
- Ensure that the Orchestrator License is loaded at the Host Level
- Follow Troubleshooting Guide here
Hope that helps. Kudos
Completely missed the below part. Its working now, Thank you Nithin…!!
Import Insight’s SSL Certificate into [Orchestrator] Servers Trusted Root in both the Trusted Root and Personal certificate store
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