I was watching videos of UiPath form and they are creating and new variable for argument. Even the argument is interactive for them in video.
With me, I am not able to click on the argument list as therefore cannot create a new variable to use later in workflow.
Can someone help me? also How to create a dynamic variable in UiPath form based on user input ?
Thank you and Regards.
(Anil Gorthi)
June 27, 2023, 12:56pm
Welcome to the community
Before selecting the form try creating the required arguments and link and then select the form…as of now with the new version we are seeing this issue…The above provided is the work around.
Hello @Anil_G ,
Thank you for quick feedback. Can you share a short example. I am pretty new and was just following the tutorial.
(Anil Gorthi)
June 28, 2023, 2:45am
Please try upgrading to latest community edition…looks like the fields are locked in create form…I was talking abput show form…which is similar
Update: Sunday
This is the standard workaround that can get you past the holdup:
For Show Form activity, you can toggle the “Continue Workflow execution” slider to unlock the dictionary and make updates.
For Set Form values and Get Form Values activities, follow these steps:
Click on the activity
Go to properties
Type an empty string between double quotes “” and tab out of the field
You must see the dictionaries unlock
Make updates to the dictionary
CRITICAL: Go back to the Instance Name …
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Thanks @Anil_G ,
its looks like the bug is not fixed yet. So i am not the only one who is having this issue.
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Hi @Anil_G , Well with the upgrade of the UiPath studio today. Now i am able to work on it. I think they fixed the bug.
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(Anil Gorthi)
June 28, 2023, 9:53am
Yes in latest it is …thats the reason recommended for upgrade
Do you have any idea how to create a dynamic radio button based on list in new version? On youtube all have old version which is not helpful for new upgrade.
July 3, 2023, 6:45am
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