Update: Sunday
This is the standard workaround that can get you past the holdup:
For Show Form activity, you can toggle the “Continue Workflow execution” slider to unlock the dictionary and make updates.
For Set Form values and Get Form Values activities, follow these steps:
- Click on the activity
- Go to properties
- Type an empty string between double quotes “” and tab out of the field
- You must see the dictionaries unlock
- Make updates to the dictionary
CRITICAL: Go back to the Instance Name and wipe out the empty string to avoid run time failure!
- Save changes to form
This process must be repeated each time you come back to these activities to make changes.
As of now, I’ve run my application successfully, and even added an entirely new form, and I did not see any issues as far as the intended functionality of the application is concerned.
— End Update —
Okay, Something about “Instance Names” came to my mind in a UiPath video I had seen on Forms a few weeks ago. So I came back to the project and gave the Form activities an Instance name.
And the dictionaries got unlocked as soon as the Instance names were put in!
I was able to access the dictionary items and make changes to the form inputs!
But, here is the catch:
It happens only once. If you save and come back to the file you will see that the dictionary is locked. To unlock it, remove the value in the Instance name and then put it back after you make changes to the dictionary.
Basically you have trigger a value change in the Instance name to unlock the dictionary collections.
This is messy, but it works! I was able to get my application working. Give it a shot on your end to see if this behavior can be reproduced.
The same thing happens when I do this for Set Form Values and Get Form Values activities. Now, this is only for activities that have dictionaries associated with them.
Activities such as Close Form do not have this problem, but I guess that once an instance name is provided to a form when it is launched, then that instance name must be input to all Form actions? Yes?
New package stack: