Hi All, i am stuck in the assignment 2 where after clicking in on the download report will not give a ‘Save as’ window, instead it will give a notification bar at the bottom.
I am trying to create a selectopr for that but seems workflow is not picking it up.
I am on Windows 10 with the latest IE version installed.
I am actually talking about below where I have to perform click first to make a save as window appear, see below, now how to define a selector for that, any idea?
Hi @loginerror , can you provide more details, should select what anchor ? since i need to click the little down arrow of ‘Save’ option and then click on ‘Save as’ from the drop down.
Could you specify your version of your Studio and activity package? I tested it on 2019.1 and the latest UiAutomation activity package v19.1.0 and it seems to be working.
Two clicks with following selectors:
First click:
"<wnd app='iexplore.exe' cls='IEFrame' title='Download Sample DOC Files For Demo Use - Internet Explorer' /><wnd aaname='Notification' cls='DirectUIHWND' /><ctrl automationid='IENotificationBar' /><ctrl name='Open' role='split button' /><ctrl name='6' role='drop down button' />"