Type password for putty connection

Hi All,

I am quite new for UIPath, I am able to open putty application and able to type in userid, but it is not working for password, I can not type password in putty screen.

Please help… TIA

Hi @Anuradha1,

Share ur screenshot . What error are you getting.

Share the selector.


I am not getting any error, but the password string which I am typing on putty console, gives always wrong password, though have provided correct password string…

1.Am also having this issue.When enter the password then need to click enter
2.Then it was login

I am not able to do this.Please help me on this.

I tried with Only giving the password.Still it shows access denied.What to do

How do you send the Password? With Type secure text activity?

1.Create a variable named “pass”.
2 Create Assign to="pass’ and value= your password
3.Match pass variable to the putty password
4.Goto TypeInfo activities related to password and set DelayBefore properties in milliseconds Approximately 3000.

It will works

Hi @ovi,

I want to automate putty on citrix enviroment and am unable to give password for putty session. (Using type into activity to write text since i dont need the text to be secure for the time being) Now i am not sure if it’s not taking the password or typing wrong input there… I tried clicking where the text has to be written but no results.

Can you please help?