Unable to Type in the Password Field


I New to the UI Path tool. i’m trying to enter password field using Set Text activity but nothing is getting typed in that field. So can anyone help me how to type a password in the password field.

I tried using Get Password activity. but still i’m not able to enter the password.

Thanks in Advance


Use Type Into activity if your password is of string type.
Use Type Secure Text Activity if your password is SecureString type.

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Hi, try select option “ClickBeforeTyping” and “Activate”


Welcome to our uipath community.

Are you able to type it manually ?

If yes then try with Type Into or Type Secure Text activity and pass that value.

welcome to uipath community
did we try with TYPE INTO activity
Cheers @phanim4u

Thanks a lot… Type into Activity worked…

Thanks a lot for other who had given their solutions…

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