I am been looking around the forum for similar issues and solutions but it doesn’t seem to have any. My issue is I am trying to use the type into activity to bring the texts from my notepad to my outlook body, however the type into activity is only bringing the first line of text from to notepad to the body and the rest to the subject field (even though I didn’t set any type into on the Subject field)
*Not sure if this is related but when I am using Outlook 365, it will not have this problem, but when I am using Outlook 2013 this will always occur,
Fine no worries
Your selector looks good
Kindly enable send window message property in type into activity instead of simulate type
The reason is both of them though runs in background send window message property will make the typing a bit slower than the simulate type
So that make sure mark that it types in the message box alone
— then put some time stamp in delaybetweenkeys property as well like around 500 milliseconds
—and in target property set the wait for ready property as complete
Use of the send mail activity would be the best option for you rather than opening up outlook and adding type into activities to type the mail. The send mail activity will be much reliable, efficient and easy to configure which can also reduce errors like you face here…
@Eddie are these users from a technical background or non technical background?
Why do they prefer type into? Is it just because they need to see what’s happening on screen?
If they really want to see it, you can use the send mail activity to send a copy of the mail for them as well.
Hi @Lahiru.Fernando@lakshman,
The users are from non technical background, yep and just as you suggest they prefer type into is because they want to see what’s happening on the screen. Though I have already explained the benefits of using send mail activity to them instead and they still prefer the type into activity instead. But luckily @Palaniyappan & @AshwinS2 has already helped me solve the issue so it should be fine. Thanks.
He is using Type Into activity to type text only but not for reading text. After reading text from notepad and he is passing it into Type Into activity to type into Mail.