Error :
Program File :
Test.xaml (28.4 KB)
I encountered an error with the “Type Into” activity in Outlook app. The password is not be typed into the screen. It seems to be blank.
I have carefully checked the selectors, after click “Validate Selector” on UiPath Explorer, the selector is valid.
The properties I set as below :
- WaitForReady : COMPLETE
- Activate : checked
- EmptyField : checked
- SimulateType : checked
I have checked, unchecked the “SendWindowMessages”, “ClickBeforeTyping” but it seems not working.
I have uploaded the workflow above. I have removed ID & password because it’s credential. You can use your own ID & password of Outlook to test.
This frustrated me for nearly 3 hours. Appreciate very much if someone encountered this before and help me fix this frustrating stuff