
Hello Everyone, When I run StudioX code in the local machine through my community Edition I am not able to run it, it says that Could not connect to UiPath Robot service make sure the service is started. I also connected with Robot but I am not able to run it. My robot shows Unlicensed. Is it any trail available for this tool.

Quick replies are applicable.

Thank you in advance.

@raju1234 Can you Check if you have added a License to StudioX through your Orchestrator platform ?

I click on enterprise request(top,right side blue button) then I got 5 bots, is it only work on enterprise or if I want to run on community edition I take license right.

@raju1234 You can try editing the License in Services Section.

I checked StudioX 0 shows

Yes I checked it shows 0 for StudioX.
Can you please tell me can we able to run on Community Edition
I take Enterprise trail request.

Can we take any licence for StudioX
I am not able to run StudioX code locally it says couldnot connect robot service make sure the service is started.
Even througth i started my robot it shows the same thing.