It’s only been two months since we announced StudioX, a new product in the UiPath family that revolutionizes the way the world looks at RPA, enabling bottom-up automations by giving everyone the necessary tools and training to automate daily tasks for them and their colleagues.
But we have not stopped. We continued the development and today we are glad to share with you a new StudioX version that comes with new activities, capabilities, usability improvements, and many bug fixes.
To get it, make sure you’re on Studio 2019.12 Community Edition and switch to the Preview channel:
Now let’s look at what changed.
What’s new?
As we are approaching General Availability with StudioX, we are continuously adding new capabilities to our product - as activities or overall enhancements.
StudioX activities
Excel was one of our main areas of focus in this new release. We managed to round it up by adding a whole new set of activities that will allow you to do most things you can now do manually in Excel.
Append Range
Copies the data in a table, range, or sheet and pastes it after the existing data in another specified table, range, or sheet. You can copy values, formulas, number and cell formats, and transpose (rotate) data.
Auto Fill
Fills cells with data based on data in other cells using the AutoFill feature in Excel. Similar to double-clicking the Fill Handle in Excel to copy the formula from one or more adjacent cells in the same row down to the empty cells in the rows with data. For example, assuming you have data in A2:C10 and a formula in D2, the following example will copy down the formula in D2 to D3:D10.
Delete Column
Deletes a specified column from a sheet, table or range in an Excel file.
Delete Rows
Deletes the specified rows from a sheet, table, or range. You can specify individual rows, an interval of rows, delete all visible, hidden, or duplicate rows.
Execute Macro
Executes a specified macro within a macro-enabled workbook. You can pass macro arguments and save the output of the macro execution.
Fill Range
Enters a formula or a text in all the cells in a range, while using Excel’s auto-increment functionality to update the given formula for all rows and columns. For example, the following activity will write the formula “=A3+B3” to C3, “=A4+B4” to C4, and so on.
Format Range
Sets the format for all the cells in a specified range. Available formats are General, Number, Date, Time, Percentage, Currency, Text, and Custom. When using the Custom format, you can write Excel-like formats like “#,##0.00”.
For example, if you want to format column D in a particular sheet as a number with two decimal places, you would set it up like this:
Insert Column
Inserts a column in a sheet, range or table at the specified location. You can add a column header and select a format for the data in the column.
Insert Rows
Inserts one or more rows in a table, range or sheet at the specified location. Specify where to insert the rows, how many rows to insert, and at what position to insert the rows in the specified range.
Sort Range
Sorts the data in a specified sheet, table or range by one or more columns.
A fresh new batch of Outlook activities is also ready to help you automate tasks for the currently selected email or when iterating through a list of messages.
Archive Outlook Email
Archives a specified Outlook email. You could, for example, use this while looping over some emails in an Outlook Folder.
Delete Outlook Email
Similar to Archiving an e-mail, except that this activity will delete a specified Outlook email.
Forward Outlook Email
Forwards a specified Outlook email to a list of recipients.
Mark Mail as Read
Marks the specified mail message as Read or Unread.
Reply To Outlook Email
Replies to the specified Outlook email, with the option to add additional To: recipients or change the subject.
Save Outlook Email
Saves a specified Outlook email to a folder on your computer as a .msg file.
Extract Data
Extracts tabular data from a specified web page or application. Use this activity to extract structured information such as table data or web search results that can span multiple pages. The Extract wizard guides you through the process of indicating the data to extract. You can start the wizard by clicking Indicate Target in the body of the activity or by clicking the Data Extraction button in the StudioX ribbon. If you go for the ribbon button option, the Extract Data activity and its parent Application card are added automatically to the Designer panel when you complete the wizard.
Get Folder Info
Retrieves the properties of a specified folder and saves the information for later use in the project. When you then use the saved information in another activity, you select one of the folder properties as input: Files (number of files), Folders (number of folders), Name, Full path, Last modified date, Size in KB.
Exit Loop
Exits a For Each activity and continues with the activity that follows it. Can be used in an If activity inside a For Each to stop the iteration when a certain condition is met.
Skip Current
Skips the current iteration in a For Each activity and continues the execution with the next iteration. Can be used in an If activity inside a For Each to skip an iteration when a certain condition is met.
New capabilities
Use Current Row as any other range
When iterating through the rows in a table or range using Excel For Each Row, the Current Row in the iteration can be selected from the menu in activities inside Excel For Each Row as any other range or table. For example, to copy each row and paste it or append it to another sheet, you can select Current Row as the source range in the Copy Paste Range and Append Range activities.
Create automations for Excel files that do not exist at design time
The Excel file you work with may not exist at the time you design your automation if, for example, the file is downloaded during the automation. To help you design Excel automations in this scenario, StudioX now has the following enhancements:
Design time Excel file
An existing Excel file with a similar format to the one you want to include in the automation can be selected in an Excel File Card for use at design time to configure activities in the automation. Select Use design time file and then indicate the file on your computer. You can use the data in the design time file only if the path to the file you want to automate, as defined in Browse for an Excel file , is not a path to an existing Excel file. For example, if the file path of the Excel file to include in the automation is retrieved from a cell in the Excel Workspace, you can use the data in another file at design time.
Enter Custom Input
A new option called Custom Input is available for Excel data in the menu of activities. Depending on the context, this option enables you to manually enter a table, range, sheet, pivot table, or cell to use in an activity without having to select it from an existing file. For example, when selecting the range in a Fill Range activity, you can enter the sheet name and the range address using Custom Input…
Ability to send special keys while typing in a text field
You can now send special keys while typing text in an application using the Type Into activity. The menu in the Text Builder for the Type this field includes a Special Keys entry from which you can select keys to add in combination with the text. For example, you can add the Tab special key after your text to move the cursor to the next text field when the typing is completed.
New options available in the Condition Builder: is numeric / is not numeric
Two new operators are available in the Condition Builder to help you check the value types in your automation: is numeric and is not numeric .
User-agnostic file and folder paths
File and folder paths from the default user profile folder, for example C:\Users\ , no longer contain the user name from the computer where the automation project was created. This means automations that include activities with files and folders from locations such as the Desktop or My Documents can run on other machines without updating the paths.
Add values at runtime
You can now configure activities to prompt the user to provide values during project execution, instead of adding them at design time. A new option called Ask when run is available in the menu for activity fields that accept text, numeric, or Boolean (True/False) values.
Clear existing Excel filters with the Filter activity
You can now use the Filter activity to clear existing filters, not just to create new filters. You can clear filters by column for a table or range, or clear all existing filters by not providing a column.
Extract data from large blocks of text with a fixed format
The Text sheet in the default Excel Workspace now contains formulas that allow you to extract specific data from blocks of text that follow a certain format, with variable values that always appear before or after fixed pieces of text.
For example, if you receive emails with a body that contains a line like “Invoice ID: 1234, issued on 12/16/2019”, you can copy the body of one such email to cell B3 of the Text sheet (using the Write Cell activity), manually enter the fixed text to the left and right of the invoice ID (Text!D4, Text!E4) and left of the date (Text!D5) to extract the invoice ID and date in cells Text!F4 and Text!F5 respectively. You can then create an automation that copies the body of similar emails to the updated Excel Workspace and extracts the values for further manipulation.
Data Manager
When you double-click a card or a saved value, the activity where it was defined is brought into focus.
You can rename saved values by right-clicking them and selecting Rename Saved Value .
Better error handling
When an error occurs during project execution, a message is displayed with details about the cause of the error and the user is now prompted to select what to do next: retry the execution of the activity where the error occurred, skip the activity and move to the next one, or stop the execution of the project.
The names of the categories in the Activities panel have been updated: Automation is now Application, System is now File .
Disabled activities are now grayed out on the Designer Panel.
You can now open the project folder in the file explorer by selecting Project > Open Project Folder in the StudioX ribbon.
When you click on the Designer panel to add an activity or a common scenario, single-clicking the activity in the search box at the top of the screen adds it to the project, you no longer have to use a double-click.
The Read CSV activity now pastes the values in the header line of the CSV file as column headers in Excel.
The Else branch of the If activity is now hidden by default.
Learning resources
StudioX training
A StudioX training course is now available to help you get familiar with StudioX. To enroll, head over to the UiPath Academy.
New tutorials
New tutorials are available in the StudioX Guide to help you create automations from start to finish:
- Extracting Table Data from a Web Page and Editing It in Excel - Learn how to extract structured data from a web page and how to format it the way you want with Excel activities.
- Extracting Data from Automated Emails and Moving It to a Desktop Application - Learn how to use the Excel Workspace to extract specific data from large blocks of text and how to use this when automating data extraction from email notifications that follow a certain format.