Studio Package Installation failure

UiPath version : 2018.4.4 Community

Hi @loginerror @Pablito ,

All my project dependencies are showing as ‘Package installation failure’ since yesterday. Everything was working fine before.
I’m on Cisco VPN connection and using a company proxy server. Please find screenshot below,


I saw a similar thread where they have suggested to uninstall and install studio. But is there any other solution for this. The Error message says, ‘The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable’. Attached studio log file. Please help

Studio log - 29 Apr.txt (32.3 KB)


It seems that your projet can not load the activities package for this project.
Different factors may be the cause : json file has been moved/deleted, first time opening this project etc…

Please try to:

  1. Click on Repair Depencies in order of the project to find again and download automatically the activities package.
  2. If it doesn’t work, please go to Manage Packages, and look manually for all the packages you see in the Dependencies tree. If you don’t see the packages in the Manage Package Marketplace, then that means you have internet connexion issues.
  3. In last case, you may try to open the json file on your project and wirte the missing activities package in the dependencies line, such as :
    “dependencies”: {
    “Microsoft.Activities.Extensions”: “[]”,
    “UiPath.Excel.Activities”: “[2.7.2]”,
    “UiPath.Form.Activities”: “[1.0.0]”,

EDIT : I didn’t check the logs, but it clearly says there is an internet connexion issue in order to download the packages. Please check Proxy and IT security in order for you to download the packages. Another solution would be to download the package on a computer with internet, and copy-paste them on the computer without internet.

I had similar issue and 2nd option worked for me…Installing dependency packages.


Tried option 1,2, and 3 already and none of them worked for me. I suspected that there is a proxy issue, but my question is, how do I resolve this proxy issue? Is there any config file that I need to change? Since it was working fine till yesterday, and all of a sudden, I’m getting these errors, I’m skeptical about changing any config.

Another solution would be to download the package on a computer with internet, and copy-paste them on the computer without internet.—
I have all the necessary packages available in the .nuget packages folder. But whenever I open a UiPath project, it loads forever saying ‘downloading dependencies’ and finally gives error as I have attached before.

I’m wondering how is it possible that you are on such old community edition still? Why you’re not using newer version?

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