I try to run Studio and I must login to cloud. After I log in it says “no robots cofnigured for the user”
In orchestrator I have one robot define but it does not help.
I am out of ideas,
please help.
I try to run Studio and I must login to cloud. After I log in it says “no robots cofnigured for the user”
In orchestrator I have one robot define but it does not help.
I am out of ideas,
please help.
you have to add robots first then you can run , please watch below video you can know how to add robots for user
You have to create a Robot with the same domain\username as your Windows account.
That’s what I did. I can see the robot in orchestrator, I entered my win cerdentials to it, but it didn’t help.
you using community or enterprise?
Comunity version
in this case your bot should run , can you try with different account once ?
I have only this account. All my customers use their own licence keys so I can not test another one
no just create temporary account by self and compare the all the set from initial
then you can identify the issue easier
I am not sure that I understand what you mean by that. What account should I create? Where?
for personal you create one account and check whats the setup by default and compare those
Do you mean brand new account in uipath cloud?
yeah , just create by own in your local and check
You have not entered domain\username you’ve entered machine\username.
machine=domain in mycase.
I got a little bit further. Now i get this message
you tried enterprise trial?
I finally made it run.
I am not sure how, but now it works.