Starting jobs for processes which use multiple entry points package is not supported. (#1697)


I am getting the following error when trying to run the process from the orchestrator. My orchestrator version is 20.4.1 and my studio version is also 20.4.1. See the attached screenshot as well. Any help is appreciated

Starting jobs for processes which use multiple entry points package is not supported. (#1697)

Hi @rameezimtiaz,
Please check below URL and update us if you still face issue :slight_smile:


Go to processes and check if the entry point is procided for the process


where to check this?
van you right down the steps? @Anil_G


Go to processes tab → edit the process → set entry point

If the option is disabled here…

Then create a new process then while creating you will get options to select the entry point



@Anil_G this view is not available in 2020.4.1 i guess.
I have seen one difference though. The processes i have deployed before have change parameters tab for process but this new process does not have this tab


So i beleive there is some issue there…

Is it happening only for this package?

And if multiple entry points are there then can you have only one?

Please have a look here as well


yes it is only happening for this process. all other old processes are working fine

Give a try at:

Make in Studio a right click on the XAML and set:

If needed clean upt the project.json
Publish again

did all this to no effect

Secondly i am only seeing the following



Can you please deete the project.json and reopen and check if there is a entry point set…

You can edit the peoject.json in notepat and see the entry point xaml…if its wrong please correct and reopen


I was able to solve the issue.
The issue was there were dots in the name of the process.
Changed it to MDSTAFFUCMINGALLS and it worked.

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