Some unattended robot on one machine

Hi everybody,

Is it possible to define on Orchestrator some unattended robots that using, all of them, in same one machine?


This is not possible and is not recommended. A bot is representative of a “person”, and only one person can work on a machine at a time.

Thanks you.

But what about scenario of two robots - no on the time - like two human users that work on the same machine in different hours?

Unattended-robot1 is a one user with some privileges on some applications.
Unattended-robot2 is another user with other privileges on other applications.
Is it possible to define and schedule something like this?

You can use the same bot for this. If you’re referring to having the bots perform different processes, you can change the process the bot on that machine is running during different hours.

But I want use with two different users on this machine (no on same time).

What is the use case for having two bots working on the same machine?

Unattended-robot1 is a one user with some privileges on some applications.
Unattended-robot2 is another user with other privileges on other applications.

Could one bot have the privileges for both applications?

Two different users on the same machine.
Each user have different privileges.

If you grant the permissions from one machine to the other, then one bot will be able to do the work.

However, I was also brainstorming a workaround for this, and you could set up virtual machines on the same machine. That way you would have the same physical computer on which the bots work, but each bot would identify a different virtual machine on the same physical machine.

The former may be simpler if you can get permissions to perform both tasks, since it will likely take less software setup.

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Hi Alonn,

Have you tried creating another robot with the same machine in the Orchestrator? just changing the user name?

Another option, which could make it easier, would be to have one User ID (User A) to log into the machine but then have multiple User credentials stored in the Vault (Assets) and just choose whichever credential you need for a given application, this could make your environment more secure. Example:

  • Log in to the VM using User A
  • Trigger the BOT from the Orchestrator using this machine and user
  • As part of the process, it needs to be designed to select the proper credentials to log in to any application (User B, C, D, etc.)

The only challenge with this approach is with the applications that use Single Sing-On

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hi @alonn
if im not mistaken i feel you are looking for High-Density Robots right ?
please refer the following link might help you


Yes! That’s what I’m looking for and even more!
Thank you!

Setting up High-Density Robots on a Windows Server machine is required only if we want to connect at the same time with two different robots (and users). But if I don’t need them to connect simultaneously it’s possible to define two unattended robots on the same machine without this. Do I understand correctly?

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@Anthony_Humphries, @Jorge_Rincon,
Thank to you too for this brainstorming!


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