Multiple machines/bots

If you have two machines (PC’s or whatever) hosting two robots, do they need to have different Windows users? I think the documentation is saying that two robots connected to Orchestrator would need to be different Microsoft users, but I am not sure. Can anyone confirm or not. Many thanks!

Hi @ChrisC,
I can confirm from a perspective of Unattended robots that I’ve run the same windows user across 2 Machines with no issues. The name of the robot provided inside of Orchestrator is different though since they need to be unique.

  1. Robot Name: Process 1, Machine: PC1, User: robot1

  2. Robot Name: Process 2, Machine: PC2, User: robot1

Hope this helps

Hi @ChrisC

You can have multiple machines and multiple robots for a single user and execute processes if you’ve appropriate licenses.

If one or more process is Background Process then you can run two process simultaneously.

I do agree with @Johno.

Thank you. I will try different combinations to get my head around it!

Thank you for your contribution.