I have a robot that produces a number of emails with attachements and saves them in my ‘Draft’.
I use ‘send outlook mail message’ activity to achieve that.
However I am also a member of another mailbox which is a shared mailbox to which other users of my team have access and i would like to save the emails in the ‘Draft’ folder of shared mailbox rather than my primary mailbox.
Maybe I wasnt clear enough in my first post - I want to save the emails which i created onto the shared mailbox rather than retrieve the emails from shared mailbox.
There is an activity ‘Move Exchange Mail message’ however i havent really used it before.
Following up on this thread late but I had the same issue and found a solution to this which worked for us.
What you need to do is set up the shared mailbox under “Account Settings>New” in outlook.
Then, you can specify the relevant email address under “Account” in the “Send Outlook Mail Messages” activity, and tick “isDraft”. This saves the message to the “Drafts” folder of whichever address you specified. (If you don’t have the address set up in Outlook, it just saves to your default “Drafts” folder i.e. your personal account).
Thank you for your post - i tried your solution however it does not work for me. It seems I have some permission issues which my IT department is not able to sort out.
When I add shared account in outlook and try to run the robot it produces the below error:
We didn’t have any such issue on our side but it looks like your robot user doesn’t have permission to send from your shared mailbox.
When logged in as the robot user, can you manually send a mail from that mailbox address? On our side, we have this permission set up by default so the emails can be generated without issue. It would probably be a permission which you’d need to arrange with your IT if it’s currently not permitted.
It seems we cannot save directly to the draft folder of shared inbox if it is not the default account. Is there any way of moving to shared inbox draft without actually sending it