Selecting the case ID from web

Hi Everyone,

I need to retrieve a case id from salesforce tool. I changed the aaname property to asterisk and also title and how to identify what more objects are dynamically changing

Screen shot

this is default selector generated when clicked on Case id

i modified the selector in aaname with asterisk and in title also but still getting error element not found or selector not found.

Kindly input your valuable suggestion.


‘00259128’ replace with ‘*’

Hi @hemanth_chinna I did that already and getting message cannot find ui element corresponding to this selector.

Just to confirm you are unable to get only that particular value ?

Take the one selector and copy in notepad and get the second record selector and copy to notepad .
Compare both the selectors, you can see the difference between both the selectors.

If you can provide those selectors I can see and help you to work dynamically.

<html htmlwindowname="EntryFeeFrameProxy'title='Case: ???????? ~ Saleforce - Unlimited Edition'/> <Webctrl aaname='*' isleaf='1' parendtid='*' tag='SPAN'/> <p>you can like this</p>

Hi @rajsekhar it did not work but i gave html window name as * and case as * and also parent id. As of now, it is working but need to wait and check how long it goes.


Check this out

you can use something similar if you have a reliable selector for ‘Case Number’, which you should be having ideally.


Thank you for your idea. It is working now using anchor activity and i will check how it goes.

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