We are using REFramework in our project, and we set our robot to use 1920x1080 screen resolution when processing. When the bot encounters a system exception and tries to recover, the screen resolution reverts to default, which is not the 1920x1080. Any idea why this happens and how we can fix it?
Screen resolution should not (and I would think cannot) change while an automation is running. The RDP session is not ended and restarted. What makes you think the resolution is changing?
Login to Console set to Yes is recommended to use for processes which do not require a custom resolution
A Console session uses the resolution specified by the default settings of the graphics card on the machine. With VDI’s (such as Citrix, Hyper-V, VMware), the resolution is usually specified by the hypervisor which manages the VDI. Please note that you cannot set a custom resolution.
Instead use Console Session you can set Login to Console to NO to use RDP Session with custom resolution
You should never set login to console to yes unless you have a very specific reason to. If you set login to console to yes you will only be able to run one Job on that server at a time, as there is only one console session.
Regardless one job at time, the resolution that will be use is the graphic card as I mentioned
As we can see from screenshot provide by @_pjflo, the Login To Console was set to YES but disable that means the settings that will be used is the one in UiPath.settings file located in %ProgramData%/UiPath. By default Login to Console option is enabled. To override, just enable Login To Console and set up with NO value
It’s not set to yes, that setting is turned OFF (disabled) which means whether the radio button (which is greyed out) shows Yes or No is meaningless.
By default, the LoginToConsole option is disabled. This means that the configuration from the UiPath.settings file is used. To set the desired value from Orchestrator, you must first enable the LoginToConsole option.