Scrap data output | Get transaction | REF


I have one query… If we scrap the data from web and need to use in REF template then how can we process each row of the data via GetTransaction page.

Pls advice.



Data scraping will give you output as dataTable. And then take one by one data row from dataTable and assign it to transactionItem and it is variable of type DataRow and same pass it to Process Transacion state to process it.


something like this ???



Assign, out_TransactionItem = in_Data(in_TransactionNumber - 1)

The above expression will read from first data row onwards. Remaining everything is correct.

Ok Thakns for the response

How we will process the data present in TransactionITem in process workflow .I tried to print in_TansactionItem which printed System.Data.DataRow.

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Here, TransactionItem is of type Data row. So, we can’t print it directly.

Try this:


Which Column value you want to print then pass it there.

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Fantastic.It worked.


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Could you please close this thread by marking correct one as solution.

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