Saving a PFD from Window IE

Main : Trying to save a PDF from a IE browser.

Action : Printing pdf summary report form the IE browser. Use send hotkey “Ctrl+p” and robot do process until click “print” and then the robot stop. The dialog file where pdf want to save did not appear. But when using manually everything okay.

Problem : The pop up for “Save print output as” file did not appear and robot cannot find the IU element “Type Into” to enter file name.

FYI - Studio : The studio for run this process cannot edit and publish. I use another studio and I cant do indicate or something.

Just appear this pop up and robot end the process :


The screenshot below is selector for “Type Into”:

Anyone can help me for this problem? Thank you.

increase the time out in activity,

or you can use parallel aproach

For click button print delay after I use “5000”, and the time out which mean the delay before/after in type into activity?

Hi @nurainfatihah.hamirruddin

Have you tried with Wait For Download activity


no not delay before delay after there one property in target there will be timeout property in default its 30 sec but you can increase

I setting like this

Sometimes okay, sometimes the pop up save as did not appear.
Do you have any suggestion and please advise.

Thank you.

before click just use element exist if that pop up exist only just click ok orelse dont