S112_DocumentUnderstanding Exception Scenario

Hi @Harsha_S1 ,

Here, You mentioned that the Invoice fields are not configured. However, we do see it is configured in the latest post that you have shared.

Could you let us know what is the exact issue that you are receiving ?

@Harsha_S1 ,

I do think that the Config variable is being sent as a Property type into the workflows. You would require to change it to Dictionary(Of String,String), As I believe you are using an already available Template.

Could you show us Screenshots of the Config variable from the Variables Panel in the Main workflow and also in other Workflows (where Config is being passed).

I have attached all the screenshots.Pls check here.

@Harsha_S1 ,

Is it possible for you to the share the whole Process workflow ?

can i attach the xaml

invoice-02.pdf (34.8 KB)
invoice-03.pdf (36.9 KB)
invoice-04.pdf (46.8 KB)
Main.xaml (27.9 KB)
text.json.txt (174 Bytes)

@Harsha_S1 ,

Do Zip the whole Project folder and send it here if possible. Do not provide just the Main.xaml, as we would need all the other xaml files along with it for proper corrections to be performed.

Unable to add the zip file

@Harsha_S1 ,

Apologies. Could you show the screenshots of the Arguments Panel of this workflow ?


It is a sample project, please check the xaml . I am unable to identify, why the exception is being occurred.

@Harsha_S1 ,

Could you also share the Taxonomy file that you are using ?

text.json.txt (174 Bytes)

@Harsha_S1 ,

I believe this is not the Taxonomy file, it is the Keyword Classifier file. The Taxonomy file will be automatically created when configured the document types in Taxonomy Manager. It would appear in the below way :


don’t use this
use this ( )


not created


I am able to export the data to notepad but unable to run the final project.
I hope that I am missing some mandatory settings.

Note: taxonomy file is attached.

taxonomy.json (4.5 KB)