I created a work flow to extract the invoice details from a single invoice and i got the invoice data into an excel file . And now i want to extract data of other invoices with same template and with different templates which are in the same file .
But when ever i run my first invoice work flow for each and every time It is asking for the invoice validation how to do without validation and create the work flow
You can use form for similar templates and regex extractor for similar formatted data and machine learning extractor for other. For more details about extractors, check this:
You have to create the workflow without using present validation or classification station by directly passing the output of the classification and extraction activities to next activities.
Hope it helps.
Welcome to the community
Remove the present validation station if you dont want it…else everytime it is displayed
I used “extractionresult” variable in Dataextraction scope activity And i used the same “extractionresult” with extractionresult(0) as index then it is getting "Data Extraction Scope: Index was outside the bounds of the array."
- I used “extractionresult” variable in Dataextraction scope activity And i used the same “extractionresult” with extractionresult(0) as index then it is getting
- "Data Extraction Scope: Index was outside the bounds of the array."
Extraction result is not a collection variable. You can directly the export the data into dataset by passing the variable as extractionresult
Then use merge datatable activity to write the data into excel.
So i mentioned extractionresult(0) in data extraction scope so then it is throwing an exception of
"System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. "
So i mentioned extractionresult(0) in data extraction scope so then it is throwing an exception of
"System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. "
In dataextraction scope extractonresults is an output field and not an input to be provided
I think this error occurs because of classification result is empty. Use if condition to check the classification results are empty or not. And if you are using keyword classifier check and give proper unique keywords.
Please use a log message before data extraction scope and check classificationresult.count
May be it is zero