“Say you assigned 2 unattended and 3 nonproduction runtimes to a machine template. Three workstations connected to Orchestrator using that machine template withhold 6 ( 2 unattended X 3 workstations) unattended and 9 (3 nonproduction x 3 workstations) nonproduction licenses from the tenant’s pool of licenses. This enables you to execute a number of 2 unattended, respectively 3 nonproduction processes, concurrently on each such workstation.”
There is an official UiPath document as mentioned above.
However, I do not understand it.
Let me give an example.
The Finance Team created a Template Machine. This machine is assigned 2 unattended runtimes and 3 non-production runtimes. The Finance Team has connected three physical PCs named A, B, and C to the Orchestrator.
As far as I know, if unattended total 2 processes are running simultaneously on both Computer A and Computer B each, there are no more unattended runtimes available because the machine template only has 2 unattended runtimes.
However, according to the cited document, each PC (A, B, and C) can run 2 unattended processes each, so does that mean 6 processes can be run simultaneously??? then If we connect 10PC to the orchestrator, can we run 20 processes simultaneously?
Could you please clarify where I might be going wrong in my understanding?
Then, can I understand your statement as meaning that there are permissions to run 2 processes simultaneously on one workstation, and there are a total of 6 such permissions, rather than meaning that 3 workstations can simultaneously run a total of 6 processes?