Question on licensing for Production Unattended Robot's

Hello, UiPath Community!

I have a query regarding how licensing functions for Unattended Robots.

In the license allocation description, it’s mentioned: “The maximum number of Production (Unattended) Robots that are able to execute back-office processes simultaneously.”

My situation is as follows: I’ve allocated a production license to a single Machine, which has two hosts connected to it, leading to two separate AWS EC2 instances. In the “Installed Versions & Logs” screen, both instances are connected and have a regular heartbeat.

When I run one of them, the automation runs perfectly. However, when I attempt to run the other, it remains in a pending state. It’s evident that this issue is related to licensing because if I deactivate the working instance, the license status swaps to the other, and it functions correctly.

So, my question is, even though I’m not attempting to run the bots simultaneously but merely have them both connected and switch seamlessly between which one runs the automation, is this not supported in this licensing setup?

It what scenario does this type of set up work?

Your insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Hi @Mark007

Please check on this


In UiPath’s licensing setup, the “maximum number of Production (Unattended) Robots” defines the number of instances that can execute back-office processes simultaneously. If you have two instances connected but only one license, the setup may not work seamlessly, as it is designed for one robot to be active at a time. To switch between instances seamlessly, you would typically need licenses for each instance.


@sai_gupta @lrtetala

Thanks for both confirming what I concluded.

I believe the description is wrong, rather than saying “The maximum number of Production (Unattended) Robots that are able to execute back-office processes simultaneously.” it should say “The maximum number of Production (Unattended) Robots that can be connected to Orchestrator simultaneously”, after all, I am not trying to execute two processes simultaneously, just have two Robots connected simultaneously and chose between them as I execute a process.

Thanks for both your quick responses!


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