See that my windows machine has 2 users for now !! I setup 2 unattended users in orchestrator with one machine template ( one runtime license ) why I see the second user is unlicensed !! It suppose that license linked with machine template NOT robot users !!
If its possible to use one single license ( Production runtime ) with multi users and one machine template which is a windows 11 for – temporarily – because we will run the processes on windows server later…
Noted that these 2 user can connect to machine at the same time remotely…
When online and connected to Orchestrator, a machine consumes a number of licenses equal to the runtime capacity of the machine template used to connect to Orchestrator. The runtime represents the maximum number of robots that can simultaneously run on a specific machine and it is manually customizable.
A Windows workstation (Windows 10/11) can run only one background process at a time, and therefore it is recommended to assign only one runtime to it. But you can also have more robots defined on a machine than the number of runtimes allocated to that machine.
A Windows Server machine can have several robots executing processes simultaneously, and therefore you can assign more runtimes to it to allow for concurrent execution.
You mean with windows server I can run processes simultaneously with two users or more on a specific machine with only one runtime license at the same machine template !!
Is that correct or I make a misunderstanding?!
considered that we have a community edition and trying with enterprise edition before couple of days ! so for now we have only one runtime license…!
You need two unattended runtimes assigned to the machine template to be able to execute 2 jobs at the same time for the Windows Server machine.
The number of runtimes assigned to a machine determines the number of Unattended or NonProduction licenses consumed when the UiPath Robot is running on the machine. The number of robots defined on a machine, on the other hand, is not dependent on the number of runtimes.
For example, if you assign only 3 runtimes to a machine with 5 robots, only 3 licenses are consumed. If you execute 5 jobs or schedule all the robots on that machine, the following sequence occurs:
3 jobs are executed on the first 3 licensed robots;
the remaining 2 unlicensed robots are placed in a pending state;
the first 3 robots release their licenses;
the remaining 2 robots can now obtain a license and they execute the assigned jobs.
If on a machine you have only one Unattended or NonProduction robot and assign 30 runtimes to the machine, then 30 licenses are consumed when that machine is online.