This will depend on which version you installed and which installer package was used. From there are 3 downloads available in the Resource Center
- Community Edition Stable: 19.10.4
- Community Edition Preview: 20.3.0-beta.84
- Enterprise Edition: 19.10.4 (if you ignore the other versions)
Community Edition will download the UiPathStudioSetup.exe which will install in User Mode to the User’s profile. If installing the 19.10.4 version the Agent Desktop will be installed. If you were to install the beta (I haven’t yet) but based on the information in here, as @bcorrea indicates Agent Desktop has been renamed to UiPath Assistant in 20.3.
If you use the Enterprise Installer package (UiPathStudio.msi), you have the option of installing it as User to the user’s profile or with admin right which would put it into Program Files. You will also have the option to continue using the UiPath Robot or install the Agent Desktop, however while the Robot will register and obtain a license from the Community Orchestrator, if you attempt to use Studio Enterprise without a local license with Community Orchestrator it will not work and is unsupported. You would need to obtain a stand-alone or trial license for Studio.
For troubleshooting make sure
- Your Orchestrator Machine Name matches your local computer name
- You are using the correct Machine Key from Orchestrator when configuring the local UiPath Service.
- Your URL is valid UiPath. ( can also be
- That you select the right Machine when creating your Robot in Orchestrator
From there if you are still having troubles, hover your mouse over the status message in Agent Desktop / UiPath Robot, it will give you a more specific message for the status. You can also find the error message witin Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Applications
Connected, Unlicensed
>The machine key is linked to another machine!
Connected, licensed
>Robot is connected and license is acquired
See the following for possible status with Agent Desktop