Robot Licensing Failed. There are no available runtime licenses issue

I have 2 unattented robots of same machine with different username. Like for machine A with 2 usernames , I have created 2 robots with domain\username1 and domain\username2. I have process deployed on both the machines. When I am running a job on 1st robot my 2nd robot is getting unlicensed in robot tray and getting this error on orchestrator for 2nd robot:
Robot Licensing Failed. There are no available runtime licenses.

Please help

Are you using the Community edition? If so, you are only given 1 unattended bot license.

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As Anthony mentions, if you are using the community cloud Orchestrator you are limited to 1 unattended runtime.

If you are using an Enterprise license in Cloud or Private, you need to make sure you have enough free licenses, allocate the number of runtimes to each Orchestrator Service.


Followed be increasing the runtimes per machine inside Orchestrator Service under the License section for the Unattended licenses.


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Thanks @twhitehead…I have to increase thee runtime value for robot in orchestrator license page.

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