Robot license **unable connect to UiPath Robot Service it is showing unlicensed!**

Could not connect to UiPath Robot Service it is showing unlicensed Screenshot%20(285)_LI

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Is your Machine name the same in Orchestrator config?

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I installed second instance of UI path studio on different machine and set machine and Robot accordingly as per machine settings. My UI Path Robot (System tray) seems connected since under setting i see “Connect” button changed to “Disconnect”. but in orchastrator i have created second instance of development robot connected to current instance of machine but its status showing “disconnected” and even UI path robot (System Tray) showing “Unlicensed”. I check there are 2 development license available for community edition under my account.

Please suggest.

  1. First of all please go to your orchestrator tenant and check if you have properly added Machine.
  2. Then go to Robot tab. Create robot and write as a “domain/username” exact same thing what you see when you use whoami command in cmd.
  3. Finally under Robot tab go to Environments in upper pane and create one.
  4. Then try to connect robot from tray to orchestrator and publish the package.

I did exactly what steps you said, even my one instance which i installed on my desktop is working fine but my another laptop instance create problem. Do i need to re-register in case i install one more copy to another machine using same user id (which actuall i did on my laptop)? In system tray “UI Path Robot” shows button labelled as “Disconnect” which i pre-assume that robot get connected to orchastrator but in reality it does not.

Please suggest what else i need to check.


Look that your robot has status “Disconnected”. This means that you robot can’t contact with orchestrator. Check if you don’t have anything blocked by firewall or any other restriction. Normally if robot us running and connection is ok you should see status “Available” like in your first robot.

first goto cmd and type whoami and u get ur machine name here check that we make same machine in orchestrtor talent also… copy that machine key and paste

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