We have a job, which is working perfectly. It is supposed check whether the account is logged on to Chrome and if not logging into chrome.
It is running every 3 hours each day and we have no problems with this job during the day.
But …
Each morning at 5am our server is restarting (due to IT-department). Restart is taking 10 minutes.
After the restart at 5.45 the job for logging into chrome is supposed to run and log in the account. But only at this time of the day the job is not working!
It is displayed as successfull in the orchestrator and we have the job recording, where the robot is doing everything as expected, without any issues.
But if I open Chrome on the remote desktop afterwards, the account is not logged in.
This error is not occuring, if I open the remote desktop and close it before the robot starts.
But as it is early in the morning and it is an automation software, this is not what we want to do each! day.
Scheduled Job Delay: Delay the scheduled job for logging into Chrome by a few minutes (e.g., 10-15 minutes) after the server restarts. This allows the server to fully settle after the restart.
Ensure Active Session: Ensure that there is an active and unlocked user session on the remote desktop before the robot runs in the morning. You might achieve this by setting up a script or task scheduler to simulate user activity (e.g., moving the mouse) to keep the session active before the robot starts.
Headless Automation: Consider making your automation more robust by using headless automation, which doesn’t require an active desktop session. Headless automation can work in the background without relying on a visible desktop session.
Monitor and Logging: Implement monitoring and logging within your robot. This way, you can capture more detailed information about what the robot is doing and potentially identify any errors or issues that occur specifically in the morning.
Implement a 1 step Process at the beginning of your automation start after
after opened to chrome you can go to the log in the account page so
Take “Element Exist” activity check that if login icon is available or not in that page
if you found the login icon on the page you can enter the credentials and login to your account further the process will be same process
if you wont found the login icon on the page you can consider the login is done already to the account ,so you can skip the login all the time if login will done before and wont effect any error
Note : Element Exists OutPut Variable Type is Boolean
The Chrome browser is not fully loaded when the job starts
Include some timeout or check apostate to look for an element and proceed further
The UiPath robot is not able to find the Chrome browser. Either the chrome extension might be getting deactivated after every restart
Check whether the selector is becoming dynamic and if so is it handled or not
Robot is not installed in service mode and is installed in user mode
Change then installation mode and give a try