Retry Set Transaction Status (Success): The given key was not present in the dictionary

Hi everyone,
I am having trouble debugging my generate report yearly performer. Each sequence works work fine on its own but when the whole process is executed I am getting bugs.

My errors is in the set transaction status and the dictionary key is missing. Can anyone please help me! I attached my work flow. workflow

Hi @Killa_Hnatko

Check whether the dictionary returning some status.


Hi @Killa_Hnatko
You are passing null value/trying to get value from dictionary using the key which doesn’t exist. Please also remember that before using dictionary you have to create it.

Second Possibility

which seems to me is just check your arguments via which you are passing your configuration dictionary to your workflow. are you passing it from main workflow to your child workflows. just double check your arguments.


Sounds like you are trying to use a value from the Config dictionary, but UiPath says that the dictionary item does not exist.

Usually this is because you haven’t added it to the config.xlsx excel file initially, or that you have a typo when you are invoking the dictionary value. When you invoke a value from the config dictionary you need to use the exact name of the value as indicated in the config.xlsx file, including upper and lower case characters and any whitespace.

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did you ever find out why you were having this error I am doing the project now and have the exact same error

Hi @jameswilson35555

You are passing null value/trying to get value from dictionary using the key which doesn’t exist. Please also remember that before using dictionary you have to create it.

Second Possibility

which seems to me is just check your arguments via which you are passing your configuration dictionary to your workflow. are you passing it from main workflow to your child workflows. just double check your arguments.


@Killa_Hnatko Error says: whatever the dictionary key(from config) you are giving in the set transaction status that was not present in the config itself (it could be wrong key that you are passing or added some additional spaces in the workflow. plz check)