Advance Training - Assignment 01- the given key was not present in the dictionary Error

I am getting the given key was not present in the dictionary error in Get Transaction Data activity.

Any idea what causing this

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Have you deleted Constants sheet in config.xlsx file or what ?

Please check it once in that sheet whether this key exists or not.

Hi @Vineet2

Kindly Check with these points buddy that could help you resolve this

  1. check with the scope of the variable Config in the variable panel…change it to whole sequence name…
  2. check with config file whether the Name LogMessage_GetTransactionData exists
    along the constants sheet…

Cheers @Vineet2

Thank you everyone for quick reply. It was because of missing constants


Cheers @Vineet2

@Palaniyappan @lakshman
I am getting a message : The given key was not present in the dictionary error in Invoke System1_Login activity. How can it be resolved ?

It looks like the mentioned key is not there
—either in the dictionary
—or the source from where the dictionary is created like check config file whether it has that string
—or the argument of dictionary is not passed to the invoked workflow

These must be the reasons
Kindly check those and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @NiranjanKN

@Palaniyappan How to check where the dictionary is ?

Check with argument properties in the property panel of invoke workflow activity

Cheers @NiranjanKN

Any other ideas?

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