Via Orchestrator-WebInterface/API it’s possible to remove queue-items.
Unfortunately when i remove a queue-item it’s status is only set to “deleted” but it will not be removed from orchestrator and you can still view the contents of the queue-item.
Is there a way to remove a queue-item permanently (without database-access)?
The only way you can delete it entirely is deleting the full queue unfortunately. I agree would be nice to be able to delete the item fully from the queue without having to get rid of the whole queue.
I’m not sure about the ins and outs of Cloud Orch, but on-prem, you are able to delete queue items indefinitely, it just relies on database access.
This particular question was with regards to being able to do this without database access, and asked before Orch Cloud was even a thing, so in this scenario it’s either delete the full queue from Orch, or delete the lines from the table in Orch.
Hi Josh,
thank you for your answer!
Do you know what currently is the state on UIPath Cloud Orchestrator?
Any solution (UIPath internal, SQL) to automatically permanently delete Queue Items.
I want Queue Items that are older than x days to be permanently deleted.
Unfortunately majority of my experience is with on-prem, so I’m not sure sorry
It’s a valid query though - it may be worth raising a new post specifying cloud. Best practice is to archive (into a different DB) successful transactions older than 45 days on-prem, to maintain the database performance, but not sure on if/what UiPath do in the background with regards to this in their Cloud version.