Regards orchestrator credential issue

I have defined credential in orchesterator,in ythat credential i have declared username as CORP\VYSHINDE but when i am running my workflow it is entering username as CORPVYSHINDE .Please find attached screenshot and help me as early as possible.

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I tried to reproduce this issue
its taking even single \ backslash as it is correctly
kindly try once mentioning that username variable from GET CREDENTAILS activity as a input for WRITELINE ACTIVITY so that we can validate the value in output panel

or instead of TYPEINTO activity pass the same string variable with username to SET TO CLIPBOARD activity @varun5
and followed by that use SEND HOT KEY activity with key as ctrl+v so that it will paste it as it is in that field, that would work for sure
even if that doesnt work then the field doesnt take any special characters it seems…we need check onthat manually

Cheers @varun5

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extremely sorry for late reply,I have tried putting writeline activity in workflow but it is giving value CORP\VYSHINDE in output but in username field it is putting CORPVYSHINDE and also it is putting wrong password in the password field.may be it is because of the community or free version ui path tool i am wrote you have’nt fased this kind of problem,so do you use enterprise or licensed version.

Kindly try once entering the same manually
So that we can check whether the field is taking the back slash with it or not
Cheers @varun5

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it is taking because it is my login system which i am trying to automate , i am now trying using set to clipboard activity trick which you suggested me,if it will get successful,i will let you know.

thanks for your reply.

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Yah I hope that would work
Cheers @varun5

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hi i am not getting how to use set to clipboard activity and send hot key .please help me out

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Set to clipboard activity takes in the string value or a variable that we want to type into the field
That is it will set to clipboard like how it happens when key ctrl+c is pressed

—and once after assigning that activity with a value or a variable then use SMED HOT KEY activity to paste it to the field we want with keys ctrl+v
If we need to navigate few fields and then if we are in a position to paste it then use n number send hot key activity with key as tab until we reach the field we want (while using keys like tab and ctrl+v we don’t need to select any element to have a selector)
And once after reaching the field use key as ctrl+v with send hot key

Cheers @varun5

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please find attached screenshot,am i doing right?

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it is not putting username into the field.

No buddy
—in the key drop down just type as v
And remove the C(username)

Cheers @varun5