
Hi All,

Please help me with the below question in REframework.

If System exception occurs in ‘Process Transaction state’ will it move to Initilization state then to End process or will it retry untill based on MaxConsecutiveSystemExceptions provided in Config file?

Thannks in advance,
Pavan Kumar K.

Hi @Pavan_kumar15
Whenever System exception occurs it moves to Init State and relaunches the application if it’s web application or desktop application. First it checks the retry count in queue item if it’s 1 it will retry for one time. You can increase that too. After checking orchestrator retry count, It checks the retry count from Config file. Initially it will be 0. You can increase that changing retry count in Config file.

Hope you understand!!

Hi Pavan,

At first if any application/system exception is occured during Process Transaction State then the flow will move to the Initialisation State.

In Initialisation State, it will Initialise all the application once again newly to utilise it throughout the process. Also, please note that it will not go to the ‘End State’ as next state.

Process Transaction State-> (System Exception Occured)-> Initialisation State ->Get Transactions State → Process Transaction State

Config Settings:

  1. Retry Number - This variable will contain the integer number which help retry item not MaxConsecutiveException

[Note: Flow will be routed to End State only on below two scenarios,

  1. Any System/Application Occured in the Initialisation State
    2.When no data item/Business item to process in Get Transactions (Queue)

Thanks in advance,
Jayavignesh G

Thanks @Jayavignesh_G

Hi @Pavan_kumar15,

Thanks for reaching out UiPath Community.

If you are using Transaction Item from Queue and you set particular retry in queue.
and system exception occurred while processing item then based on number of retries it will retry

and if same exception is occurred the MaxConsecutiveSystemExceptions set then bot will not retry.
It will end the process.

Hope this will help.
Happy Automation,

Thank you for your help @vrdabberu

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Thank you @Vinit_Kawle

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