Hi everyone! when I run my automation in a Reframework process and some activitie have failed the reframework enter in a infinite loop trying to repeat the same process, does any one known what happen there?
Hi @EI_Rulo
In the config file you had set the MaxConsecutiveException to 0
Change it to as per your choice means how many maximum number of system exception your should thrown and if it is reached MaxConsecutiveException the job will stop
For Example
MaxConsecutiveException is set 2
If the your project thrown system exception 2 times consecutively then your project will stop
For reference
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- First if it is retrying then it is that max retry in config constants sheet to 0
- Also if using queue set auto retry to 0
- Even if a transaction fails next will start if items are present…it wont end the process there as it is transactional basis
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