REFramework - retry transaction question

In my process, I search for a employee ID, do some navigation to process, export the data, come back to the search screen.

In config.xlsx my max retry count is set to 3.

In case system exception, what does the retry transaction do? Does it try the above process actions?

In my REFramework on System exception it goes to End state. So I am assuming after 3 retries, it should go to end state. But retry should go to process Transaction correct?

Thank you,

Hey @A_Learner

This works only when using queue items, in case of any System Excepcion Appears, it will create a item at the end of your queue and then will try to retry the transaction the number of times that you set in the config file or number of retries if the quueue

hope this helps


Hi @A_Learner

If a system exception occurs during transaction processing, the framework will attempt to retry the transaction according to the configured maximum retry count in the Config.xlsx file. If the maximum retry count is reached, it will transition to the End Process state. The retry mechanism helps handle transient errors before deciding to end the process. The retry involves re-executing the Process Transaction state.



When queues are not used config retry is used…

Also when system exception occurs first the control goes to init application and from there it would come to process again and if something fails in init it would go to end process…please try to explore the logs

Also you need to use the transaction number to get the items for the retry to work as excepted

If it is a linear process then check if you are usign transaction number to check for first transaction then it would work…else it would not


Thank you, @Anil_G
If we are pointing System Exception from process to init - it will go to Init, correct?

But if we point to Get Transaction like with Business Exception - does it continue with next transaction?

What if it points to End State?


Thank you, Would it go to init state?


Ideally sys exception is pointed to init because you dont know the state of underlying application so applications are restarted and it continues to get transaction any ways

If it is pointed to end state then it would not retry it would end the process


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