Hi all,
i’m working with assignment no.2, performer, in academy, i’ll do everything with google chrome and not with internet explorer like the assignment.
So far so good, but now, when i use the get text activity, don’t recognize the element, only when pop up appear, also everything is fine and CV is ok.
How can i fix it?
No possible to fix it with chrome?
Hi @andreus91
Chrome is not suitable for many activities. So you can try with IE.
But if you still want to try it with get text activity on Chrome, then after clicking Indicate on screen press F3 once area is available to highlight. This will allow you to get the region.
Uipath recommend to use IE browser to automate ACME site and also BOT can easily identify elements.
Else if you want to use Chrome browser only then you can go for Image activities or Computer Vision activities to handle this kind of pop up’s.
Thanks for reply, now i’ve switched all my project in IExplorer, works fine, except for Get text activity, at first run work, but sometimes the pop up who appear is different, so i’ve done an element exist activity with two generic get text. But still not working.
Thanks in advice
Better use get attribute, I am not sure but get text will look for a ‘text’ attribute precisely which might not exist at all at times.
Check and get back. (Attribute is most of the time housed in ‘innertext’ or ‘aaname’ or ‘text’ try all three and see the result.)
@Raghavendraprasad in output i’ve created my string variable, but in input?
Well can you show me the activity what you have chosen and the selector
In the get attribute activity itself there is an attribute selector give any one of the three I mentioned above in a test file and check for the value
Hi @andreus91,
To handle two different type of popups use dynamic selector as a easy solution. With dynamic selector you work on both type of popups.
I have used below in my code and it work well for both popups.
Hope this will help.
Hi! @ShenkiSinghai
I just tried and it works! Thanks a question for you, if i want to study how the selector work (for example you tell me to take off idx or other attributes) where or what language you advise me to study? Thx
@Raghavendraprasad Thanks to you too! I’ll even try this solution and tell you if I will be able to
make it work
That’s great.
I will just only suggest you to go through basics of HTML for selectors. Also at last practice will make you more perfect, when you see such issues with your elements then try to collect the selectors for elements and see the difference what’s wrong. You will see some differences, like in this case if you try to capture the selector of these popup elements you will see class and other attributes are changing for different popups.
So just keep practicing.
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