Outlook Only Working on Monitor Screen, Not Laptop Screen

So I am trying to program sending an email using the Outlook interface and specifically, I am trying to change who the email is coming from using the “From” drop down menu. When the outlook email window is open on my monitor, the process is easily able to click the drop down and select the right email option.

However, if I am running the bot just on my PC and not connected to any monitors, the bot clicks the “From” drop down but then it seems to “miss” the click on the email address and actually click somewhere else.

I am also experiencing this same issue when trying to add an email signature.

Is this a resolution issue? Or does anybody have any other ideas?



Yes, it’s happening due to screen resolution.

Solution, try using Mail Activities

Ashok :slight_smile:

Yeah I know mail activities would be the better option but I am taking this over from a previous developer and they are using custom signatures and other things.

In mail activities, is it possible to add a custom signature to the email?


Yes, definitely. You will have to keep it into Config file in HTLM format. You can also add images as well.

Ashok :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t be clicking around in Outlook. You should be using the Outlook activities.

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Yes I understand that