Orchestrator robot problem

in my orchestrator account there is not robot exists ,but when i connect robot to orchestrator it will start previously uploadded job.and i am unable to load another process to orchestrator.

Hi @Kirti123

May I know whether it automatically run the process as soon as the robot is connected?

Is that process scheduled by some reason to the robot that you ha e created? Can you explain a little bit more about what is happening…

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yes , it automatically run the process as soon as the robot is connected? there is no process scheduled to the robot

Kindly delete all those robot, associated process, machine and create a new one and try connecting
This is really interesting…

Cheers @Kirti123

i already delete all robots ,process but i unable to delete machine.In package folder there is one package.
it is upload 2 days ago.that package status is active i upload new package also but still previously package is active .I attached screenshot ofCapture1 it