Orchestrator error. Unable to find file


I’m trying to run a flow on the server, through Orchestrator, but keep getting the same error.

“Execution error : System.Exception: Could not find file ‘C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Projects\TPD_Allocation_V2.1.0.6487.29308\lib\net45\Main.xaml’.”

I’ve checked the .json file and that’s fine. I have tried republishing and using the most recent, but still have this error. Has anyone got a solution?


Check the publish.json file in the folder where your project is located. If it is using “Main.xaml” as your Main workflow name and your file is a different name, it will give you this error. You can edit the .json file to use the correct name of your Main workflow file and should resolve it when you publish it again.