Unable to trigger the task


Hi I tried running an available task published in the orchestrator. I received the error above but unable to understand what it means. Do I have to save the XAML file in the above path?


Seems like he got the same problem.

Fix could be trying to open project.json file in your root folder and check that the main is set to:
“main”: “Main.xaml”

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Yes, the main file is set to Main.Xaml
I am still facing the same problem

Also, where is the package on this path. I am trying to upload the workflow in processes.

That is pretty wired yeah, can you delete and install the package agian?

Hi @Anders_Kink @loginerror @Gabriel_Tatu, What is this error? And how should I resolve it?

I have entered all the details correctly.

check this thread: Unable to start robot throwing error: "A task was cancelled"