Orchestrator connectivity error

I’m getting error “A task was canceled” while trying to connect Orchestrator with UiPath Robot. Please provide solution asap.


Are you able to see UIpath robot tray in the taskbar ?
If not, find and double click uirobot.exe

Yes I did. I followed the steps mentioned everywhere for connecting however I’m getting this error.

This issue is already discussed in some of the threads. Please refer and try the solutions -

Karthik Byggari

I checked all this earlier only but not solving my purpose.

Hi @loginerror
can you please support.

Hi @pushpa67

Please see this post:

Basically, you should try to restart your machine first to see if it will help.


screenshot below

nothing like app-19.1.0

Indeed, the Enterprise installation is installed in this folder instead of user folder.

I would advise you to contact our support for help.

Hello, did you find a solution to your problem?

Im having the same issue