Object repository - use application browser issue

Hi all

While using object repository for use application browser , the selectors are getting changed to dev selectors while testing prod .
The Window selectors I have kept dynamic to work on both dev and prod.

Am I doing something wrong here ??

Thank you


Can you outlone some steps ypu used also how is the object repo setup…

Some screenshots would help

Also I beleive you did not unlink object repo and object repo is as a separate library and it is imported


How I have done is,

1 . Created the obj repo with dev environment.
2. Used it in the code.
3. Edited the windows selector from properly panel to make it dynamic.

Worked fine while testing in the dev environment.

While testing live , errors on some of the elements.

Then when I opened the code to see , I could see the use application url changing.

Then I made the screen descriptor dynamic , then after saving and checking the code again i could see the url back as dynamic


If you need to edit window selector also you need to do it in object repo to change…if you change in activity then you would have unlinked the element


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Yeah did that atleast as it kept on changing.

Thank you


If you unlink then object repo would not effect…now what issue are you gettinbg?


I have not unlinked , I edited object repo windows selector , tested in dev it worked fine . I will be having live test today. Will see if that works

Everything worked good today :blush:

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So what exactly happens if we u link after creating the obj repo of an application?


if we unlink then selectors will sit in activity rather than in object repo so any change son repo would not reflect on activity where it is unlinked…


In that case when some changes happens in the application and we change it in the obj repo library that won’t get reflected in the project, isn’t it ?


if unlinked it wont


Got it.

Thank you so much :blush:

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Hope this helps

Happy Automation

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