Object Repository: how to update from one browser to another all the elements

Hello all,

I have an object repository that uses Chrome and I have to change it to Firefox. I have change all the descriptors of the screens, but the elements of each screen still have app=‘chrome.exe’ in the windows selector.

Is there a way to change it all? Because there are many, many objects in this UI library.

Thank you!

Hi @laurasest

I don’t think so we can able to do that. You have to do all the change for all the activities


HI @laurasest

I also think that is not possible , you need to change the selector for each and every activities.

Dynamic way
Assign a variable with value like
App_var = chrome.exe
App_var = Firefox.exe

If you want chrome give chrome in your assign if you want firefox use firefox

Then place that variable in the attribute
app = ’ " + App_var + " ’
Similarly for Firefox



Thank you so much, guys.

It would be an amazing improvement to implement a massive app change though, because it is quite basic and a huge amount of not valuable work.

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