Note able to take the user input from "System Security Pop-Up"


I am trying to run the application as administrator. But after that it gives the pop-up. I want to take the action based on what the user is selecting.

Below is the application when i am trying to open it with Administrator Rights and getting the Avecto Pop-Up message.

Note: In this case for me it is mandatory take the input from the user, because then only he should proceed further. Else he is not authorized to proceed.

Thanks In Advance! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @shubhammahajan305

You can use ‘Input Dialoge’ activity to get input from user and store it in variable.

Please let me know if any more information needed.


Hi @chaitanya.kulkarni,

Thank you so much for taking the initiative and responding to my concern

In my scenario I am trying to run the application as administrator, then it asks for some System generated authentication having 3 options. User must select either 1 of the options from the dropdown to proceed.
With Input Dialogue Activity I believe a custom pop-up will be generated from which user has to select from the options(do not want any custom pop-up). Hence user intervention is not required.

I have tried many activities like click, send hotkey, etc, I am able to select the region from the pop-up. But the activities are not working at all on the pop-up.

Is there anyway if UI Path can detect the path and perform click activity on it. “If not”, then is there anyway where we can halt the process and take the input from the user on the same System generated pop-up. Once user provide input with any of the option then we should resume the process(Kind of like wait until users click on some particular element on the screen). Or if there are any suggestions?

Hi @ shubhammahajan305

Now I guess I am clear with your problem :slight_smile: ,

Below are two workarounds:

1.Try using ‘Image Based Activities’ like ‘Click Image’(Which is not that reliable). Also you can give a try with ‘Click Text’ activity.

  1. Second approach is to use While loop or Retry Scope.
    In Retry Scope, in condition use ‘Element Exists’ and in action use ‘Delay’.
    Thus, bot will wait for some time and check is PopUp still present(This means user has not choosen any option yet).
    If Element Exists = False, Bot will exit loop and proceed for further actions.

Please let me know if any more information needed.

Hi @chaitanya.kulkarni,

What ever activity i have tried in each scenario the selector
In below image i have applied click activity(image and text)

And as you can see in the below screenshot that selector is being highlighted as well(in all activities it works like that)

Please advise!

Use below things before ‘click activity’:
‘Attach window’
Then ‘Activate’
Then ‘Click’

Hi @chaitanya.kulkarni

I have tried the steps but its still not working

Below is how I implemented it:

  1. Attach window

  2. Activate - inside the attach window’s ‘do’

  3. Click inside Activate(Note: I have tried using both “Activate” and “Get Active Window”…separate and together both)- still the the pop-up is getting highlighted in the region, but clicks/send hotkeys are not working.
    Below do is inside “Get Active Window” Activity:


Hi, @Palaniyappan and @Lucas.Pimenta : Do you guys have any fruitful solution?

Hello :slight_smile:

I did not understand something: Will the user interact with the message or the Robot must need to proceed all by itself? I mean… the user will need to select the option and the robot will continue after that or the robot will do all the actions automatically?


I’m trying also to Type into Windows Security to automate Remote Desktop Connection but failed everything I tried. It seems that pop-up window failed with UiPath activities.

Maybe someone figure out how to make a Remote Desktop Connection avoiding that pop-up ?!
Here are screenshots of the related issue: