Not able to identify the button element to click

Hi All

In the below screen i need to click on the Cancel button. But as you see the who;e screen is identified and the Cancel button is not able to identify as a single element.

We have been asked to avoid Click Image or Send Hot Key from our higher level. So can anyone kindly suggest what would be the other approach for the same?

Hi @kkp,

You can follow these steps.

  1. Add Attach Window activity and provide the Sign in pop-up selector in properties
  2. Add Click Activity inside Attach Window and indicate the cancel button.

Please let me know if this works.

If you read my post i have mentioned what is the exact issue.

Not able to indicate the cancel button. The entire screen is taken as a single element.

Hello @kkp,

The UiPath web extension is installed and enabled for that browser?
I just tested on some sites, that generates some pop-ups like the one you have and seems to work properly.


Hi @kkp,

It is reproducible by disabling and uninstalling the browser plugin. Seems like an issue with Browser extension.

Check browser extension as mentioned by @wasea, and try reinstalling the browser-specific extensions.

About Extensions


In the latest version of community edition its possible. But we are using enterprise edition and in that its not there.

I will check @Yogesh_Sanap. Thanks.

If you are able to identify the ‘Sign in’ popup and if it is working with ‘Escape’ key manually, then please try the same way.
if ‘Element Exists’ for Popup then ‘Send Hotkey’ for ‘Escape’

I wish it works

Like I have mentioned in my post that we have been asked to avoid Hot key or Image automation.

Hi @Yogesh_Sanap

I did a mistake, i removed the extension from chrome thinking i will reinstall from studio and enable again in chrome.

But once i removed it from chrome i am not able to get the extension again even after installing from studio. It looks like its permanantly gone.

Check if it’s available under chrome://extensions/ and unable the same.

Try this troubleshooting guide here Studio - Chrome Extension troubleshooting

Got it @Yogesh_Sanap. Thanks .

Hi All

The whole screen is taken as a single element, so not able to indicate the elements like Sign In or Cancel. So we have to go for ESC with hot key or click image.

Hello @kkp,

All this should be resolved, if the UiPath Web extension is active in the browser you’re using.

Did you get the chance to check the troubleshooting guide sent by @Yogesh_Sanap ?
