Error in click action

not able to click

not able to click “Ok”

Hi @satish_sonawane - You can use send hotkey activity to automate click OK. Just send enter in the activity then it will work fine.

Hope it will help you.


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If unable to reach or identify the elements…

You can try computer vision activity :smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face:

Hi @satish_sonawane

It looks like you are using Microsoft Edge as your browser.
Kindly use Internet Explorer.

Thanks and regards.


Welcome to uipath community
-kindly make sure that chrome extension is installed and if installed try with chrome browser

—we can use Internet Explorer and there we could be able to click on the elements directly and no need of any extension to be installed
—still if we are not able to access those elements with selectors then try with send hot key activity with key as tab and use n number of send hot key activity with key as tab until it reaches the field we want and once after reaching use again a send hot key activity with key as enter
It more like using keyboard with out mouse to access elements in the application
—as a final call we can use COMPUTER VISION activity to access those elements

Cheers @satish_sonawane

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it does helped but my assignment says i have to use click activity
and really thank you it really helped

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In that case we can use either click or click image activity to access that element with simulate click property enabled in the property panel of click activity
Try with other browsers as it would be reliable and robust to work with

Cheers @satish_sonawane

its working thank you so much

Cheers @satish_sonawane

i am face another problem thatt is my robot is not able to add a hashresult to the comment section of the update workitems pop up and clicking update and moving to next item and repeating it workflow is getting completed but work items are not updated to completed because of that